Heath Andersen
2 min readOct 12, 2020


Staying Active during COVID-19

COVID-19 has taking over the entire world and as healthy active individuals, staying active and healthy during these tough times is very important for physical and mental toughness. Staying locked inside and quarantined is a positive way to battle this pandemic, but moving your body whether inside your home or outside is one way to battle this disease from a physical and emotional standpoint. Some people have turned their home garages or backyard decks into home gymnasiums and have ordered the same equipment they are using inside the local gyms. Others are using social media outlets to follow athletic trainers videos to stay active. This semester we have discussed tons of social media platforms and being active with these platforms can benefit during these tough times as well to connect with online health experts to get you through each day.

Affordable home gyms!
Use social media to connect with fitness coaches!

